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Raid Max® Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger

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Raid Max® Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger

Controls heavy infestations.

Raid Max® Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger

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The uses a combination of products to help you work smarter, not harder, when fighting bugs in your home. View the complete system below


Raid Max® Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger kills bugs where they hide. The penetrating bug-killing fog reaches deep into hard-to-reach areas, cracks and crevices, and will not leave a wet, messy residue.

  • One 1.5 oz can treats a room up to 25' X 25' with an 8' ceiling, up to 5000 cu. ft.

  • Available in 3 pack and 4 pack. 

• Turn off all flames and pilot lights.

• Do not use in small areas like a closet, cabinet, or under a counter or table.

• Do not use in a room smaller than 5’x5’. Instead, allow the fog from another room to enter the smaller room.

• Do not use more than one fogger per room.

• Using the product without taking these precautions may cause the product to explode, possibly resulting in injury to you and your home.

• Close outside doors and windows.

• Extinguish all flames and turn off your fan, air conditioner and pilot light. If you are not sure how to do this, contact your gas management company.

• Open cabinet or cupboard doors, drawers and closets.

• Cover or remove food, dishes, utensils, and any food processing equipment.

• In the area of the fogger, cover waxed wood floors, waxed furniture, stereo equipment, or other items with newspaper or paper towels.

• Remove pets, and if you have a fish aquarium, cover and turn it off.

• Place a stand in the middle of the room and cover with newspaper.

• Fill out the hang tag that is on the box and place on the door.

• Break off the tab on the cap, aim away from face, press button and place on the stand.

• Leave your home for 4 hours.

• Open doors and windows and allow to air for 30 minutes. If you still smell an odor, continue to air the rooms before returning to space.
• Remove people and pets from area of treatment.

• Do not use fogger in small confined areas, such as closets, cabinets or under counters or tables.

• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling.

• Avoid breathing vapors and contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.

• If swallowed: Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

• If in eyes: Hold eye open and rinse with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first five minutes, then continue rinsing eye.
Cypermethrin (1.716%)

Other Ingredients (98.284%)

For more detailed information on ingredients, see:
If empty: Place in trash or recycle if available.

If partially filled: Call your local solid waste agency or call 1-800-529-3394 for disposal instructions.


TheRaid® Defense System uses a combination of Raid® products that work together to fight your toughest bug problems.


Raid® Flying Insect Killer 7

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Raid® Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger

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